Monday, July 12, 2010

Jim's Amazing Inner Strength

Jim continued to have bleeding issues into the morning on Sunday. When we arrived, they were in the midst of prepping him to be ventilated so an endoscopy could be done, to see where internal bleeding was taking place. Jim had a PEG tube back in January when he had pneumonia. There was some scar tissue in the area that could have been the problem. He had been infused with several blood products and clotting medications through out the night, but there still was some additional bleeding. Surgeons were standing by in case Jim needed to be taken the O.R. for emergency surgery. We were told this was going to be somewhat we prayed.

I called the priest that had come to visit Jim and anoint him. Being it was Sunday morning, I was not completely sure he would be available. Father Tom called back and said he would be right over to anoint and preform the sacramental last rights. I was so grateful we could get this done, as Jim had asked to speak to Fr. Tom a few days earlier. Our family gathered around Jim and the prayers were said. There was a wonderful peace and serenity that filled the room. At that moment I knew this very difficult situation was completely in the Lord's hands. The Dr. came out to let us know that surgery was not needed. The bleeding had stopped and the blood was clotting both inside and out. Thankfully they felt the problem was resolved. A sense of relief filled us all and we talked about how amazing and strong Jim is.

Father Tom had to get back to Holy Name Cathedral for the 12:30 mass. He told us he had used Jim in his homily, talking about the Good he met Jim a few weeks ago. Jim was very sick fighting for his life and yet he would go around the floor and try to lift up the other patients, handing out his "Never Give Up" signs. What a wonderful tribute to a man who truly is a Good Samaritan. In the 20 years that I have known Jim, he is always the one to go and help someone in need....a friend, neighbor, stopping for someone on the side of the road. You could always count on him to help you out.

The Lord must have more work for Jim here with us....I am grateful. Dr. Mehta would like Jim to stay in the ICU and on the ventilator for a few more days. Jim is in much need of peaceful sleep to help the body heal. He will then move back to the transplant floor.

I am thankful for Jim's family and all who came to support us the last few days. We pray that Jim continues to find strength in the powerful prayers from everywhere.

God Bless


Ingrid said...

We will continue to send prayers and positive thoughts to Jim and the rest of you. Let us hope that he has turned a corner and will begin to heal now.


ebbole's said...

Patty & Jim:
The Ebbole family is here pulling and praying for Jim. We are here for all of you Lamberts! Love to Jim and Patty, and Becca and Jack, Let us know if can help in any way.
Illiana, Jim, Danielle & Jimmy